What we're doing

Dennis, Nicole & Ashlyn Winn

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Knotts Berry Farm X-Mas

Knotts Berry Farm 12.23.07 031
Originally uploaded by dwinn
Today we went to Knott's Berry Farm with Moma, Katie, Scott, Jenna and Andrew. It was a really great day. The weather was sunny but cool and brisk and the park was really empty so we were able to jump on/off rides very quickly. Ashlyn had a ton of fun in Camp Snoopy and of course her favorite part of the whole day was the Snoopy's Fun House where she played in a room with huge bouncy balls. She loved it so much we struggled to get her out and move on to the next ride. Here we are in the picture having a Bouncy Blast. We also watched Snoopy on Ice and all of us fell asleep except Moma, then we ate yummy Funnel Cake. Thanks again to Moma for the complinentary Tix. It was definitely a day to remember.

Merry Christmas!
